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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 69, Issue 1, pp. 1-304

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On a Multiple-Scales Analysis of Multilateral Phenomena in Semiconductor Lasers

Benjamin P. Cox and Warren R. Smith

pp. 1-21

MultiFrequency Trans-Admittance Scanner: Mathematical Framework and Feasibility

Sungwhan Kim, Jeehyun Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo, and Habib Zribi

pp. 22-36

Asymptotic and Numerical Techniques for Resonances of Thin Photonic Structures

J. Gopalakrishnan, S. Moskow, and F. Santosa

pp. 37-63

A Level Set Approach to Anisotropic Surface Evolution with Free Adatoms

Christina Stöcker and Axel Voigt

pp. 64-80

Inverse Source Problem in Nonhomogeneous Background Media. Part II: Vector Formulation and Antenna Substrate Performance Characterization

Edwin A. Marengo, Mohamed R. Khodja, and Abdelkader Boucherif

pp. 81-110

Boundary Driven Waveguide Arrays: Supratransmission and Saddle-Node Bifurcation

Hadi Susanto

pp. 111-125

The Shape of Charged Drops over a Solid Surface and Symmetry-Breaking Instabilities

M. A. Fontelos and U. Kindelán

pp. 126-148

Mathematics and Monument Conservation: Free Boundary Models of Marble Sulfation

Fabrizio Clarelli, Antonio Fasano, and Roberto Natalini

pp. 149-168

Neural Associative Memory and the Willshaw–Palm Probability Distribution

Andreas Knoblauch

pp. 169-196

Closed-form Expressions for the Moments of the Binomial Probability Distribution

Andreas Knoblauch

pp. 197-204

Absolute Stability and Complete Synchronization in a Class of Neural Fields Models

Olivier Faugeras, François Grimbert, and Jean-Jacques Slotine

pp. 205-250

Turing Pattern Formation in the Brusselator Model with Superdiffusion

A. A. Golovin, B. J. Matkowsky, and V. A. Volpert

pp. 251-272

Propagation of Local Disturbances in Reaction Diffusion Systems Modeling Quadratic Autocatalysis

Xinfu Chen and Yuanwei Qi

pp. 273-282

A Thermal Elastic Model for Directional Crystal Growth with Weak Anisotropy

Jinbiao Wu, C. Sean Bohun, and Huaxiong Huang

pp. 283-304